A completely redesigned, intuitive user interface that makes setting up and editing your flight a breeze. X-Plane 11 is the detailed, realistic, and modern simulator you’ve been waiting for. It will give you the default Africa Scenery. The Global Scenery: Africa is a free DLC that you can activate thru your Steam Client. If for some reason a user can’t use Vulkan or Metal, OpenGL is still available by simply unchecking the box. In the game version 11.50, there is a check-box in the graphics settings that enables Vulkan or Metal, and a restart of the game is necessary for the change to take effect. Overall, most users will see improved frame rates and reduced stutters when using Vulkan or Metal. They are faster than OpenGL that the gamee has used in the past.

Vulkan (PC) and Metal (Mac) are rendering level APIs that change how X-Plane interacts with the graphics card. After many months of converting our graphics engine and beta testing, we are today announcing the final release of version 11.50 for the X-Plane desktop platform. Laminar Research, creator of the X-Plane flight simulator franchise, is proud to announce the final Vulkan/Metal update of the game.