You could drop supplies from your Hercules, or strafe an area with the A-10's big gun. You could mount attacks on ships, factories, and tank batallions. Handling was appropriate in pretty much all cases and the 3D engine suitably slick. You could pick a mission to suit and get into the cockpit of just about anything going, for either side. Surprisingly, although perhaps not given their involvement with Armour Geddon, this was a Psygnosis effort.īirds of Prey was definitely one for the aircraft fancier. Here's a more in-depth look at the game from a review at Amiga Games Database: "What did involve was just about every jet the US and USSR had at the time, with C130 Hercules transports and the X rockets the US used to run supersonic tests on. The PC conversion was done by Chris Sawyer of Transport Tycoon fame.

The Amiga version contained a breathtaking intro that is sadly completely missing in the PC version of the game. Birds of Prey is a fairly complex combat flight simulator by Argonaut Software, featuring a lot of different planes and missions.